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  • 22°C

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Sölden/Hochsölden 1.350m/3.340m

dom, 08.09.2024

Morning Afternoon
11°C 22°C
10%Precipitation risk 50%Precipitation risk

Initially pleasant and warm – Later, increasing clouds

Sölden/Hochsölden 1.350m/3.340m

lun, 09.09.2024

Morning Afternoon
11°C 15°C
70%Precipitation risk 60%Precipitation risk

Noticeably cooler and occasionally wet

Sölden/Hochsölden 1.350m/3.340m

mar, 10.09.2024

Morning Afternoon
8°C 14°C
80%Precipitation risk 60%Precipitation risk

Still unsettled Autumnally cool

Sölden/Hochsölden 1.350m/3.340m

mer, 11.09.2024

Morning Afternoon
7°C 14°C
40%Precipitation risk 60%Precipitation risk

Brief weather improvement Showers possible later

Sölden/Hochsölden 1.350m/3.340m

gio, 12.09.2024

Morning Afternoon
7°C 10°C
60%Precipitation risk 70%Precipitation risk

Further cooling – Rain and showers

4 days trend

A low-pressure system along with its bad weather front will slowly approach from the west on Sunday. However, at first, the sun will still shine for a while, accompanied by a southerly foehn wind. In the afternoon, more clouds will gradually move in from the west and southwest, and by evening, the risk of first rain showers or possibly even thunderstorms will increase. By Sunday night into Monday, heavier rain is expected. During the first days of the new week, the weather will be very unsettled and noticeably cooler than before. Although the sun might peek through occasionally, the clouds will mostly remain thick, and there will be repeated rain showers. By Thursday, another cold front will reach the country, bringing more downpours and even colder air. This could make it feel quite autumnal, and in the high mountains, fresh snow might even become a topic.

Day Outlook

Noticeably cooler and occasionally wet


  Morning Afternoon
Moutain summit3.000 m 0°C 0°C
Mountain2.000 m 7°C 7°C
Valley1.377 m 11°C 15°C


Morning: Moderate

Afternoon: Brisk

Hours of Sun

max. 1 Hours

Precipitation risk

Morning: 70%

Afternoon: 60%

Zero Degree Limit

3200 m