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  • 4°C

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Sölden/Hochsölden 1.350m/3.340m

sab, 14.09.2024

Morning Afternoon
0°C 4°C
90%Precipitation risk 50%Precipitation risk

Autumnally cool weather Rain and snowfall

Sölden/Hochsölden 1.350m/3.340m

dom, 15.09.2024

Morning Afternoon
-1°C 7°C
10%Precipitation risk 20%Precipitation risk

Slight weather improvement It remains quite cool

Sölden/Hochsölden 1.350m/3.340m

lun, 16.09.2024

Morning Afternoon
0°C 6°C
60%Precipitation risk 50%Precipitation risk

Lots of clouds, hardly any sun Feels like autumn

Sölden/Hochsölden 1.350m/3.340m

mar, 17.09.2024

Morning Afternoon
3°C 9°C
40%Precipitation risk 30%Precipitation risk

Chances of sunshine Rise in temperature

Sölden/Hochsölden 1.350m/3.340m

mer, 18.09.2024

Morning Afternoon
3°C 12°C
10%Precipitation risk 30%Precipitation risk

Sunny and cloudy Rapid warming during the day

4 days trend

We are under the influence of a so-called "Five-b low-pressure system" this weekend. These low-pressure systems usually move from northern Italy over Hungary and further northwards towards Poland. It continues to look like flooding and landslides will be a major concern, particularly from the North Tyrolean lowlands eastwards to Lower Austria, in the Czech Republic, and in Poland. In the northern Alps, depending on the intensity of the precipitation, it could snow down to around 1000 meters above sea level, and there is a risk of significant tree damage from the snow. For us, the risk of flooding and landslides is not as high since we are on the edge of the low-pressure system. The lowest point is likely to be reached on Saturday. By Sunday, the weather and temperature trends will slowly start to improve, and sunny spells will become more likely. As we move into next week, a high-pressure system over northern Europe will increasingly influence the weather. It's still too early to provide details.

Day Outlook

Lots of clouds, hardly any sun Feels like autumn


  Morning Afternoon
Moutain summit3.000 m -4°C -4°C
Berg2.000 m 0°C 0°C
Valley1.377m 0°C 6°C


Morning: Moderate

Afternoon: Brisk

Hours of Sun

max. 2 Hours

Precipitation risk

Morning: 60%

Afternoon: 50%

Zero Degree Limit

2100 m