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Tracciati per bici da strada in Ötztal

Thematic Trail recommended route

Treasure Hunt Umhausen Stuiben Falls Loop

Thematic Trail · Umhausen
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  • Umhausen
    Photo: Ötztal


Selected alternatives for you
    This treasure tour takes you around Umhausen, through the Arzwinkel Waalweg trail to the Steppsteig trail and then back to the village. 
    Distance 5.5 km
    2:30 h
    132 m
    132 m
    1,154 m
    1,025 m

    The hike towards Otzi-Dorf/Badesee Umhausen begins at the Mure parking lot. After walking through the village, the path on the right before the Kneipphäusl leads up into the Tauferbergwald forest. At the top, a flat path branches off to the left - you are on the Waalweg. A stream runs right next to the flat mountain path, which was once used to irrigate the fields. You will also find the odd waterwheel here. Follow the path until you reach the normal road, then turn left out of the valley (Umhausen village) and hike around Umhausen on the Steppsteig trail. Shortly before this, you may come across the Stuiben Nannele. Enjoy the idyllic view of Umhausen. At the panorama boards along the Steppsteig trail, you can find out more about the forest and its flora as well as its cultural features. At the end of the trail, you will reach the Vivea Hotel and hike down behind it to a chapel before returning to the starting point.


    How do you find your treasure?

    There are small caches (treasure boxes) along the route. Each cache contains a clue with a letter written on it. Enter this letter on the treasure map. Only after you have found all the caches and formed the solution word can you open the treasure chest in one of the nearest Ötztal Tourismus information offices.

    Author’s recommendation

    With pleasure you can also includ the Wienersteig Trail into the treasure hunt (on your own risk). The hiking trail continue from the Vivea Hotel in the direction to the district Farst, there are also some small "treasures" hidden, which are not included in the "Stuibenfall Runde".

    Profile picture of Nicole Klotz
    Nicole Klotz
    Update: April 08, 2024
    Overall difficulty

    Derived from the technical difficulty and the stamina requirements.

    Highest point
    1,154 m
    Lowest point
    1,025 m
    Best time of year

    Track types

    Asphalt 15.67%Dirt road 16.31%Forested/wild trail 1.58%Path 49.92%Road 11.06%Unknown 5.42%
    0.9 km
    Dirt road
    0.9 km
    Forested/wild trail
    0.1 km
    2.7 km
    0.6 km
    0.3 km
    Show elevation profile


    Information Umhausen
    47.139584, 10.927566
    47°08'22.5"N 10°55'39.2"E
    32T 646160 5222478


    Information Umhausen

    Turn-by-turn directions

    Start of the Stuibenfalls loop is at the Information office Umhausen, parking facilities: parking lot Mure in the center of Umhausen (free of charge). From there the hike takes you through the center in the direction to Niederthai/Stuibenfall. At the parking lot Bischoffsplatz next to the Restaurant Kneipphäusl and underneath the Kneipp facility you will find the first cache. After, you past the Kneipp facility and went to the Arzwinkel Waalweg, follow it in the direction to the waterfall - Stuibenfall. Don't overlook a cache here. At the End of the hiking trail you come to a forest road, which you follow until the Waldcafé Stuböbele. By the Waldcafé Stuböbele take left and continue walk a short distance on the forest road until the signposted Steppsteig and hopefull you don´t miss the cache three. The Steppsteig Trail leads you all around Umhausen. Consistently you can enjoy the view to the village from the diffrent panorama platforms and discover some caches. At the End of the trail you come to a crossroad, walk straight ahead until the Vivea Hotel. By the Vivea Hotel follow the signpost hiking trail right over the bridge and forward easy downward along the sream "Murbach" until you come to the chapel. Here you will find your last cache and walk forward to the starting point from the Stuibenfall loop. Get your personal treasure at the Information Office.


    Public transport

    With the public transport. Take the bus to Umhausen - bus stop Arzthaus Umhausen.

    Please find the current bus timetable here: http://fahrplan.vvt.at 


    Take the B186 to Umhausen and there the 1st gateway to Umhausen center. By the parish church drive left, over the bridge, straight ahead to the parking lot Mure (free of charge).


    The following parking facilities are available in Umhausen:

    • car park Mure | free of charge, only for Pkw´s 


    47.139584, 10.927566
    47°08'22.5"N 10°55'39.2"E
    32T 646160 5222478
    Get there by train, car, bike, or on foot!

    Author’s map recommendations

    • Geocaching map Umhausen-Niederthai | Stuiben Falls Loop & Tauferberg Loop Trail


    provisions and drink, hiking boots, mobile phone and camera

    Similar routes nearby

    • Around Umhausen
    • Arzwinkel Waalweg
    • Köfler Waalweg - Frischmann Hütte
    • Treasure hunt Niederthai Tauferberg Loop Trail
    • Tauferberg forrest and Hoher Stein
     These suggestions were generated by our system
    Overall difficulty

    Derived from the technical difficulty and the stamina requirements.

    5.5 km
    2:30 h
    132 m
    132 m
    Highest point
    1,154 m
    Lowest point
    1,025 m
    Family-friendly Round trip Scenic Refreshment stops available


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