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An orderly race event

A lot of organization and coordination for the 4000 participants, the numerous helpers and assistants is required for a smoothly running event without incidents. The participants must keep to appointments prior to the race and follow certain guidelines. This is the only way this major event, which attracts thousands of people every year, can take place according to plan. The most important dates, deadlines and details for the participants are summarized here. We will do our best to organize a successful cycling event again this year.



Organizer, other parties involved, emergency numbers

The Ötztaler Cycle Marathon and all official "Side Events" are organized by (hereinafter referred to as "Organizer"):

Ötztal Tourismus
Achweg 5
6450 Sölden
T +43 57200 926


In the event of an emergency, the following institutions and the following telephone numbers are available:

  • Ötztal Tourismus (organizer): T +43 57200 926
  • Red Cross Tirol: 144
  • Emergency number South Tyrol: 112


Description of event

The Ötztaler Cycle Marathon (hereinafter referred to as "Event") is an annual, highly renowned and demanding cycle race for amateurs and at the same time a major cycling and tourism event.

In the course of the marathon event (before, during or after), the organizer also schedules countless "Side Events" (for example individual time trials, entertainment shows, bike expo, supporting program etc.)


Race track

The course of the "original" route with start and finish in Sölden covers 5500 altitude meters, leading through some high Alpine regions (up to 2474 m) in Tirol (Austria) and South Tyrol (Italy). 3.2 The race track runs past the following villages and is described in detail on the map below:

Sölden (1377 m) - Längenfeld - Umhausen - Oetz (820 m) - Kühtai (2020 m) - Kematen (610 m) - Völs - Innsbruck (600 m) - Sonnenburgerhof - Schönberg - Matrei am Brenner - Steinach am Brenner - Gries a. Brenner - Brenner (1377 m) - Sterzing - Jaufen Pass (2090 m) - St. Leonhard in Passeiertal - Timmelsjoch (2509 m) - Sölden (1377 m)

Detailed GPS data of the race track can be downloaded as GPX file from the official website of the Ötztaler Cycle Marathon.

The organizer or the race director may decide a change of the race track or the race schedule at any time. In this case, the organizer or race management select either the following alternative route or any other route that appears suitable for a safe event.

PLEASE NOTE: The roads along the marathon track are not entirely closed to public traffic for the duration of the cycling event. Applicable traffic regulations apply here! At any time you must watch out for overtaking vehicles, crossing cars or pedestrians, oncoming traffic and emergency or rescue vehicles (especially on the downhill section from Timmelsjoch Pass).

The participants themselves must stay informed about important race details in their own responsibility and in good time by visiting the official website www.oetztaler-radmarathon.com and by taking part in the mandatory cyclists meeting that focuses on the marathon course, elevation profiles and, in particular, danger spots



The organizer reserves the right to change the event program on short notice and to change the race course or race sequence at any time .


Dates and Deadlines 2024

Registration: from 01.01. to 31.01.2024
1st draw: half of February 2024
Payment deadline, 1st draw: Friday, 08 March 2024
Package Offer 11. - 21. March 2024
2nd draw: Beginning of April 2024
Payment period 2nd draw: Monday, 15 April 2024
Starting places can be passed on: 29.04. - 21.05.2024
Cancellation without cancellation insurance:

until 25.06.2024


Pick-up of Starter Packages

The starter packages are available in Sölden the following times:

  • Friday, 30.08.2024 from 10:00 am to 8:00 pm
  • Saturday, 31.08.2024 from 9:00 am to 8:00 pm

All participants will receive a written starting place confirmation and the personal starting number by e-mail until end of July. The signed start place confirmation must be presented at the pick-up point for the starter packages. The participants must read and agree to the registration and participation regulations and all rules in advance and sign the confirmation of starting place personally. Starter packages are handed out only upon presentation of the written starting place confirmation and a valid photo ID card.


Starting Order

There are 2 starting blocks:

STARTING BLOCK 1 (max. 500 participants):

1 A: Prominent guests of the organizer - maximum 30 persons

1 B: In order to qualify for starting block 1 B, the following time limit must be reached at least once in the last 4 editions of the Ötztaler Cycle Marathon

Time limit:
ÖRM 2019 or 2023: under 08:20 h (men) / under 09:20 h (women)
ÖRM 2021 and 2022 : under 08:40 h (men) / under 09:50 h (women)
These participants are obliged to start from this 1st starting block.

1C: Starters from the organizer’s contingent of participants.
IMPORTANT NOTE! Access to starting block 1 is only possible until 6:15 am.


All participants who do not start from starting block 1. Participants who do not start from the starting block provided for them may be disqualified.



Datasport AG is responsible for the event's timekeeping system.

Starting Block 1 (Group 1A, 1B and 1C) will start at 06:30 am. All participants of this starting block receive the same start time: 6:30 am. All other participants start according to the Real Timing System. Timekeeping starts as soon as they cross the start line.

There are eight more timekeeping points on the track, which have to be passed by each cyclist. If one of the timekeeping points is missing the participant will be disqualified. Each participant has to make sure that he passes the timekeeping lines correctly by controlling it him/herself.

The total time for the official result list is calculated as follows:

  • For places 1 to 10 in the overall ranking (men and women) the order of passing the finish line will be relevant and not the "cycling time". This regulation applies in the different classes for all rankings between 1 and 3.
  • For all other participants the "cycling time", which is decisive for the official result list, is measured on the basis of the arrival time.

The clocks on numerous display boards (for example on race director, speaker and course closing cars) indicate the elapsed time from the official start. At start and finish the exact time is displayed.


Age Classes

The results are divided into the following classes for the individual starters (men and women separately, whereby only the year of birth is decisive for the classification):

Class Description Year of birth
General class up to 35 years until 1989
Master class 1 up to 50 years until 1974
Master class 2 up to 60 years until 1964
Master class 3 over 60 years from 1963

In addition, there is a team ranking. Each team of 5 or more members automatically takes part in the team ranking, provided that the team name was entered exactly during the registration process. The five fastest members of each team are part of the ranking.


Refreshment stations

Official refreshment stations:

The organizer will provide the participants with several snack and drink stations (also called "refreshment stations") along the route for free, offering varied catering services:

  • Kühtai at 49 KM
  • Brenner Pass at 121,5 KM
  • Jaufen Pass at 153 KM
  • Schönau („Speck-Mich’l“) in Passeiertal at 191,5 KM
  • Seeberalm at 196 KM
  • Sölden - Finish area at 227 KM

All food and refreshment stations are at the sole disposal of participants wearing a bib number.

"Private" service or refreshment stations:

If clubs, associations or individual participants would like to set up their own service or catering station, they must register in advance at the organizing office (radmarathon@oetztal.com) by announcing the name of a responsible person. The organization has the right to prohibit such private service or refreshment stations at its sole discretion.

If a club, association or individual participant installs a private service and/or refreshment station it is absolutely required to leave the area and the race course clean, including also the following kilometer. Therefore the entire club, the participants belonging to the club and the registered contact person are personally answerable. In case of complaints by the responsible road authorities all cycling participants of the respective club will be disqualified and suspended from the race also for the following 2 years. The extra costs for cleaning the track must be paid separately.

Service or refreshment stations along the marathon track may only be provided free of charge. Services against payment are strictly forbidden and can result in the disqualification of all participants belonging to the club. The organizer also reserves the right to take legal action against the provider of such services or refreshment stations against payment.


Race service

Medical assistance:

Medical assistance for all participants is provided by the Austrian Red Cross. The field of competitors will be accompanied by ambulances along the entire route. Rescue vehicles are also available on the mountain passes of Kühtai, Brenner, Jaufenpass and Timmelsjoch. Additionally, an emergency helicopter is available and three emergency doctors accompany the race. In case of an accident, first aid on site is under the sole responsibility of the rescue organization and it is free of charge for the participant. If the injured person is taken to a doctor or hospital the rescue organization will charge transport costs separately. Any further transport or treatment costs must be paid by the participant him/herself. Reference is made to the registration conditions and participation terms.

Broom cars:
Participants who give up on the race track are strongly recommended to stay on the course and to wait for one of the countless "Broom Buses". The event organizer will also publish the exact broom car locations on several information boards on 30.08.2024. The broom bus stations can be found near inns and gas stations along the entire marathon course, and especially in areas where the cyclists have enough space to wait for the next broom bus. The organizer does not accept any responsibility for damaged bicycles in the broom buses, during the race, at the refreshment stations and in the Bike Park. Reference is made to the registration conditions and participation terms and participation terms. Bicycles and cyclists are taken back safely to Sölden but in separate cars.

The bicycles are brought to the Bike Park which can be found close to the finish area - at the music pavilion. You can pick up your bicycle on presentation of your starting number. The opening hours of the Bike Park will be announced on the information boards from Friday onwards.

All bicycles must be picked up on Sunday, 01.09.2024 by 9:00 pm. A later pick-up is only possible against a penalty of € 15,00. The pick-up location of the bicycles after the bike park opening hours will be announced on the information boards at 9:00 pm.

Repair service​​​​​​​:
Along the marathon course, the organizer provides a number of repair services available for all cyclists. Service motorbikes can help with minor repairs only. But there are also fully equipped service cars guided by experts who can help almost in any situation. This service is free of charge but the repair material required must be paid separately.

In addition, all refreshment stations have a permanent service point. In most cases it can be found at the very end of the refreshment area and it is marked with a clearly visible "SERVICE FLAG". Certain repair works can be made on the spot. Here the service is free of charge, too, but the material must be paid separately.

Deposit service​​​​​​​:
All participants can take advantage of the transport service for personal things to special stations close to the refreshment areas, and they can as well leave things at the predefined stations along the course. There are separate bags (in 4 different colors) for all 4 deposit stations - Please note that each participant receives 1 bag on presentation of his voucher (can be found on the bib number) and that only this bag is accepted at the deposit station. Besides clothes you can leave also food in your bag. Important: drinking bottles must either be totally empty (NO liquids!) or can contain powder. Enough water is available at all refreshment stations. Furthermore, the organizer does not accept any liability for deposited items. Reference is made to the registration conditions and participation terms.

Opening times of deposit service stations:

Leave your personal things:

Friday, 30.08.2024 10:00 am to 8:00 pm

Saturday, 31.08.2024 9:00 am to 8:00 pm

Pick-up your personal things:

Sunday, 01.09.2024 (pick-up available until 10:00 pm)

  • Kühtai from 3:00 pm
  • Brenner Pass from 6:00 pm
  • Jaufen Pass from 6:30 pm
  • Timmelsjoch Pass from 9:00 pm

Monday, 02.09.2024 8:00 am to 12:00 noon



On the "original" race track the authorities have fixed the following checkpoints:

Kühtai 8:00 am 9:30 am
Brenner 09:50 am 12:15 pm
Jaufenpass Labe 11:05 am 2:30 pm
St. Leonhard 11:30 am 3:30 pm
Moos 11:50 pm 4:00 pm
Schönau 12:20 pm 5:30 pm
Timmelsjoch 1:00 pm 7:15 pm

The organizer reserves the right to fix additional or different checkpoints and time details. These will be communicated in advance and posted on the official information boards.

Participants who have not passed the respective checkpoint at the specified time (or if it is clear that they will not reach the next checkpoint in time) must leave the race without exception. These participants can travel back to Sölden in the broom car and will not receive a Finisher Jersey.

After expiry of the time specified for each checkpoint, no further security, catering or other services will be provided on the marathon course between the start and the respective checkpoint.


Doping tests

The organizer closely cooperates with the "NADA" (National Anti-Doping Agency Austria GmbH) to prevent, wherever possible, doping in popular sports during the event. All participants explicitly agree to the current anti-doping regulations. In particular, the World Anti-Doping Code and the Federal Law on the Fight against Doping in Sports (Federal Anti-Doping Law 2007 - ADBG 2007) apply.

In the course of the event, doping tests (tests during training units or tests during competitions) may be carried out without prior notice at any time (before, during and after the race).

If a cyclists is asked by NADA to participate in a doping control procedure, each participant must  take part in the doping test. The premises required are provided by the organizer.

Violations of anti-doping rules or any failure to cooperate in doping control procedures result in the disqualification of the participant and probably also in the suspension for future events and blocked registrations - at the sole discretion of the organizer by taking into account also the official statement by NADA.


Contact and Complaints

Complaints or objections must be sent in writing to the organizer to the following address within 24 hours after the start of the event: radmarathon@oetztal.com All decisions made by the organizer (or the race director) are final and binding. Further objections are not possible. Any recourse to courts of law is excluded for official results which cannot be the subject of judicial procedures, arbitration or conciliation proceedings (etc.).

General Rules, Rights and Obligations of Participants



  • Applicable traffic regulations must be adhered to. Reference is made to the registration terms and participation conditions.
  • Participants must respect orders and instructions given by policemen, race officials or race directors.
  • Approved cycle helmets are compulsory.
  • The start number and the transponder must be attached clearly visible on the handlebar. In addition, every participant has to wear the start number clearly visible on his back. It is forbidden to change the size of the start number.
  • Participation with the start number of another cyclist, passing on the own start number to another cyclist, using two or more timekeeping chips and starting from another starting group are not allowed.
  • Each participant must take with him/her an appropriate repair kit, basic repair tools as well as a second inner tube in case of a breakdown.
  • For such a high Alpine route it is strongly recommended to take warm clothes (including spare clothes) and rainwear with you.
  • For safety reasons it is forbidden to make phone calls or to take photos (for example "selfies") during the race.
  • Private catering and/or service vehicles or other accompanying vehicles (car, e-bike, motorcycle, scooter, etc.) are not permitted and will result in the immediate disqualification of the participant involved. Along the race track you will find enough official "broom buses", service vehicles, service motorbikes, race directors, several ambulances and a course closing car.
  • The course closing car marks the end of the entire race. Every participant who is behind this vehicle is not considered as a part of the competition any more. Therefore the participant is cycling at his/her own risk and must deal with heavy traffic. However, there is still the possibility to return to the race by overtaking the course closing car again. The course closing car will keep strictly to the control times at the respective checkpoints.
  • It is strictly forbidden that participants use triathlon handlebars, top parts or similar devices. Only original racing bike or mountain bike handlebars (without horns) are allowed at the event. For any special permits, an official medical certificate and a corresponding request must be submitted to the organizer already in advance.
  • Attachment items are to be removed as far as possible. Lighting equipment, bicycle computers, etc. must be mounted to the bicycle in such a way that they are firmly attached to the bike. Injuries to other participants must be reliably excluded. The participant himself is liable for any damage to third parties.


Unsporting Conduct

  • All participants are obliged to keep to the applicable rules and laws, to demonstrate sporty and fair behavior and to always pay attention to their own safety and to the safety of other participants and persons involved. Gross violations or grossly unsportsmanlike conduct can result in the immediate disqualification of the participant.
  • Violations of the applicable anti-doping rules will be severely punished. Reference is made to the registration terms and participation conditions.
  • It is strictly forbidden to use bicycles equipped with any kind of electrical and/or electronic aid. The organizer is entitled to carry out spot checks or systematic checks of bicycles taking part in the race (if necessary with technical assistance). Ignoring this rule, violations or refusal to undergo the required checks will result in the immediate disqualification.
  • The use of third-party "pushing help" by persons who are not part of the race is not permitted.
  • Cyclists who are not registered are not allowed to enter one of the racing groups. Ignoring this rule, they will be reported to the authorities and they must leave the race. In the event of an accident and under certain circumstances, they may be liable. Participants cycling in the slipstream of unregistered cyclists can be disqualified.
  • The first 5 participants of each class are intended to take part in the official prize-giving ceremony. The non-monetary and honorary prizes will only be handed over in person during the award ceremony.


Information about risks, behavioral obligations and disclaimer

The participant acknowledges and accepts that the practice of race cycling sports in general and the participation in the event (including side events) in particular involve a variety of risks and dangers. The participant is aware of these dangers - which are listed below by way of example - which may have an effect on the physical integrity. The participant also accepts this risk consciously and therefore acts at his own risk and peril.

In addition to the usual risks belonging to cycling sports, the organizer points out special dangers arising from such a race by way of example as well as special dangers caused by the participation in the event. A threat to the physical integrity (and to the items the participant takes with him/her) could result, for example, due to the following reasons ...

  • cycling in a throng
  • reaching high speeds (involving also other participants)
  • cycling mistakes and concentration errors due to personal (or related to other participants) fatigue or effort
  • the influence of slippery asphalt and - also because of the high Alpine altitude - sometimes poor road conditions on the cycling behavior of participants
  • the impossibility of securing all dangerous spots (in particular natural and artificial obstacles) on the roadside and along the entire race track
  • the impossibility of securing all possible crash sites and danger of falling spots in connection with the natural structure of the course (mountain passes up to 2508 m)
  • the fact that there are extreme (Alpine) weather conditions (rain, snow, fog, etc.).
  • the route traveling in part through wildlife and grazing areas, where you must always watch out for unattended grazing cattle (for example cows, horses or sheep) as well as wild animals or unleashed pets standing on the road all of a sudden - they may also leave dirt there unexpectedly
  • the behavior of other participants in the race or other persons on the roadside (spectators), but also of race course staff or other persons involved in the organization of the event.

All these dangers and risks can result in serious bodily harm, including death, pain, emotional stress, trauma, property damage, financial loss, etcetera. These damages can affect not only the participant him/herself but also other participants or relatives.

The participant acknowledges and accepts that the roads along the marathon track are not entirely closed to public traffic for the duration of the cycling event. Applicable traffic regulations apply here. The participants themselves must stay informed about important race details in their own responsibility and keep to the respective rules at any time. If the organizer notices severe violations of the traffic regulations all personal data of the respective participant will be forwarded to the local police authorities.

For their own safety and the safety of all other participants and spectators, each participant undertakes to observe the applicable laws and regulations established by the organizer (for example obligatory helmets, no accompanying vehicles, etc.) as well as the instructions given by the police, road officials or organizing staff (incl. race director, race track officials, etc.). Violations can result in the disqualification and blocked registration of the participant who can be held liable according to the general rules and principles.

The participant confirms that he has checked his equipment accurately and that it is in a good, legally compliant and suitable condition for participating in the event.

By knowing all circumstances of the event and accepting all dangers and risks, the participant renounces - even in the name of his legal successors - any liability and responsibility of the organizer, its vicarious agents and its representatives and employees. This waiver of liability does not apply to culpable personal injury caused by the named persons, to grossly negligent or intentionally caused property damage or to damages to be compensated according to the general Product Liability Act.

Additionally, the participant shall indemnify and hold free and harmless the organizer from any third-party claims, including the persons named in the previous point regarding all actions, damages, claims or liabilities due to the participation in the event.

The organizer assumes no liability for accidents, thefts or other damages involving the participants or third parties before, during and after the event.

The organizer assumes no liability for any damage to bicycles or other items, "mix-up" of items or theft in the "broom buses", resulting from the racing scene (for example due to a crash), at the refreshment stations and in the Bike Park.

The organizer strongly recommends to all participants to take out an adequate accident and third-party liability insurance policy. Furthermore, the organizer points out that in some cases - depending on the insurance policy - participation in competitions (like the Ötztaler Cycle Marathon) is excluded from the insurance cover. The insurance cover for participating in such an event must be checked by each participant individually in advance and on own responsibility.

In the course of picking up the starter package, it is possible to take out an accident and liability insurance (ÖRV Marathon Card) provided by the Austrian Cycling Federation (address: Gadnergasse 69/Top 05, A-1110 Vienna). The organizer strongly recommends to conclude such an insurance. More detailed information on insured risks and insurance benefits are available in the insurance conditions (see www.radsportverband.at).


Blocked registration or disqualification of participants

A gross violation of these terms and conditions of participation or the general rules and regulations may result - at the sole discretion of the organizer - in the cancellation of the registration, refusal to participate in the event, disqualification from the event and/or suspension for future events and blocked registrations. In all these cases the participant has no right to refund of the entry fee or any other reimbursement of costs/expenses.

The organizer also reserves the right, at its discretion, to exclude persons from the event provided that

  • checkpoints set by the organizer are not passed in time
  • the participant endangers him/herself or other persons with their (further) participation
  • the participant damages or harms the good reputation of the organizer or the event
  • the participant competes with the performance of the organizer by offering own or similar services.
  • the participant takes advantage of the organizer's services for own (current or future) business purposes in a parasitic manner
  • the participant interferes negatively with the successful execution of the event in terms of sports, economics and marketing.


Granting of rights

The organizer is entitled to make sound and video recordings and to take photos of the event, and to use them afterwards. The organizer may use names, images, voice recordings and results for own purposes (for example advertising purposes, publications in magazines etc.). This material can be used - in the context of applicable legal regulations (for example GDPR) and the Ötztal Tourismus data privacy statement - in all media channels without any limit (time, place, content).

The participant authorizes the organizer to use, show, send, transmit, reproduce and/or make the material available to the public in all media channels (for example radio, television, cinema, events, data carriers, internet). The organizer is also entitled to make changes, cuts or other editing of the image/sound material and to use the changed material without restriction.


Waste and Dirtying

  • At the refreshment stations it is strictly forbidden to throw away waste (for example gel packs) outside the marked zones (1 km after the refreshment stations). Enough garbage pins and containers are provided at the refreshment stations. Ignoring this rule will result in a disqualification or even in a complete suspension of the cyclist as throwing away things can have negative and very dangerous effects on the entire Ötztaler Cycle Marathon. Severe controls will be carried out in the course of the race (for example helmet cameras used by motorcyclists).
  • A large number of garbage bags is placed along the marked zones. Please throw your garbage in these bags and containers. Thank you very much! The end of the 1 km long zone is clearly marked by rubbish cans.
  • It is absolutely forbidden to paint on walls, barriers and buildings - like at Timmelsjoch Pass! Please keep to these rules strictly. In case of violation, participants can be disqualified and must pay the cleaning service.

  • 14°C

  • Live